
There are many common concerns for shoppers when buying high quality luxury items from an online marketplace. Can I trust this seller? Is the item authentic? Does this company value my interests? These concerns and many others are why LuxHave was created. At LuxHave we do not believe it is enough to offer free returns if an item is found to be inauthentic. We know that repackaging and going to the post office is a time consuming process and we value our customers time. 

Therefore we have devised a process that offers the maximum protection to both buyers and sellers. Through our Certified Seller Program the experts at LuxHave personally vet each seller and inspect their items to ensure the highest quality and authenticity. This gives our customers the piece of mind knowing that the items that they purchase from LuxHave are the real deal.  

LuxHave is well aware that there are unscrupulous individuals who will try to take advantage of unsuspecting shoppers. We pride ourselves on protecting our customers and we encourage you to contact us anytime to discuss any questions or concerns you may have regarding the authenticity of our products.

Use our live chat, email or call us at or 855 LUX HAVE